[ult_tab_element tab_style=”Style_6″][single_tab title=”LAB REPORTING SOFTWARE ” tab_id=”071a5472-a15f-3″]

M/S Nawi Hewad Co Ltd has designed comprehensive Clinical Laboratory Reporting Software namely NHL LabSoft” which is available Free of Cost for our valuable clients across the country of Afghanistan. To upgrade the standards of lab reporting, we constantly working on NHL LabSoft to add more and more features to cover the needs of most clinical Laboratories.  Free training facilities for the stated software are available at our Kabul head office as well as at all our sub-offices located in different cities of Afghanistan.

[ult_buttons btn_title=”DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE ” btn_link=”url:%23|||” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#0261cd” btn_hover=”ubtn-top-bg” btn_bg_color_hover=”#d1d1d1″ btn_title_color_hover=”#000000″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left”]
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”MAIN FEATURES ” tab_id=”1fb29b55-cbed-2″]
  • Almost all the Clinical Tests with Normal Ranges are available.
  • Price List for all tests are available
  • Easy to use and self learning
  • Cash management
  • Doctors List
  • Patients history
  • Owner Investment & instruments record
  • Suppliers & Customers Ledgers
  • Data backup and restore options
  • Unlimited entries
  • Profit & Loss statement
  • Balance Sheet
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”CONTACT INFO” tab_id=”1536229561484-2-3″]

Please call or email for an appointment to get software and its training.

0202 403 974
0780 119 232
